Σάββατο 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2010

Ακρόαση καρδιάς - Online Μαθήματα

Επιλέγουμε το "Tutorials"

Heart Sounds Tutorial:
This online program focuses on the four common valvar lesions in the left heart: aortic regurgitation, aortic stenosis, mitral regurgitation, and mitral stenosis. Actual patients illustrate the physical findings associated valvar disease. You can listen to the patient's heart at several listening locations, while at the same time you can see video of pulsations in the neck, precordium, or extremities. The findings are explained with text, as well as illustrated with phonocardiograms, hemodynamic data, and computer animations.
requires Flash player; click to download
Heart Sounds Quiz:
This interactive quiz will test your ability to identify correctly the first and second heart sounds, extra sounds, diastolic and
systolic murmurs in recordings of actual patients, using a computer animation of the carotid pulse for timing.
requires Flash player; click to download
High- and low-frequency sounds illustrated:
This brief program demonstrates the difference between events that cause low frequency sounds (e.g., a third heart sound)
and events that cause high frequency sounds (e.g., an ejection click).
requires Flash player; click to download
Physiological splitting of the 
second heart sound:

This animation of the thorax show

s normal changes in S2 with inspiration.

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